Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mini Med School

Today was awesome!

I spent the morning donating some items to the Goodwill close to here and then buying some dvd cases for our ENORMOUS collection of dvds...this is just half of the dvds I took out of their cases the other day:

Half of our dvd collection, the left hand side is bollywood/dramas and the right hand side is hollwood
Then instead of coming home and sorting through more dvds, I started mounting some stuff on the walls including the kitchen wall mount for paper towels and other rolls like aluminum foil...forgot to take a picture, maybe next time! Also put up some ikea mirrors in the hallway...they look awesome! And finally got our wedding centrepiece flower stems into the apartment to use in the living room...the theme colours there so far are dark purple and dark grey with some black and dark brown accents in the furniture and stuff...I want our room to feel like this room (although very different, but these are the inspiration colours)...this is NOT our living room LOL:

I love this living room SO much! Ours has a lot more black in it and a lot less grey!
I made some tamarind chick pea chaat today yummmy so delicious BUT had a little mishap with the potatoes. So I put the potatoes to boil and forgot that they were on the stove and fell asleep on the couch while watching Ellen. The potatoes had been on the stove for a really long time when I finally woke up and OMG remembered that they were there!!! So I ran into the kitchen EEEK there was no water left in the pot and the entire pot was burnt at the bottom yikes luckily did not use the new pots and pans my mom got us haha! So anyways, this reminded me of a story my friend told me of how her son left water boiling on the stove all night and when she woke up the pot was not burnt at all! That was a kitchen aid pot she spoke of. Today the one I used was Carrera. Did not pass the test! Our new pots and pans are Lagostina or something so hopefully those are good!

This is what my chaat looked like but this is not MY chaat. Mine was more delicious and presented in an actual plate haha!

So the best part of my day was after dinner when I went to my first Mini Med School lecture! My hubby signed me up and let me tell you, it was awesome! The lecturer today was Dr Arthur Brown...he has his PhD in embryology or something and he talked about a gene called Sox9. I learned so much in the lecture! And his discoveries will definitely change the world!! He talked about spinal cord injuries and how the tests they've done in mice and rats with the inhibition of the Sox9 gene might help with the healing process. Here is his website

My course notes for mini med school...perhaps upon completion I will be...a mini doctor? Doc? Likely not but it's an awesome lecture series so far!
While waiting for A to pick me up after the lecture I noticed a poster advertising a Kevin O'Leary talk in November at the university! For those of you who don't know, Kevin is on the show "Dragons Den"and he's an entrepreneur'Leary_(entrepreneur) and basically an amazing one who is now a billionaire! He's going to talk about life, money, and business! I am totally going to get a ticket to go to excited!!

I am still sore after my personal training session at the gym yesterday...more sore than before ugh can't even sit without pain haha but that means it's working right? 

It's FRIDAY TOMORROW! (don't know why I'm so excited because yah every day is Friday Saturday Sunday for me) but we are visiting my family this Saturday and I have cooking class then so it will be an awesome weekend to look forward to!!!

Why doesn't anyone post any comments anymore? Ever since M went to Africa I feel I have no followers on my blog LOL you bums just post haha!!!

Over and out
Tango and cash
Every man for himself

LOOOOOL that will only make sense to my sisters bahahahah

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kitchen creations and home decor!!

Here are some pics from the past week!

We entertained some house guests including A&R, newlyweds! As well as my mommy, daddy and sister and bff R!!!! It was an awesome weekend :) Rocky was a hit...well half the guests sat and talked to him while he sat in his cage tweeting and whistling, while the other half were terrified!! Oh wait never mind, that was just me!

I got these new lamps! The top part that looks white is actually a lamp...sooo cool!

Some of my kitchen creations...samosai and pakorai mmmm were so yummy! Don't those flowers look awesome? They lasted a good 2 weeks...they are finally dying now. The pakorai did not last over 2 days...they were so delicious we ate them all haha

Our cozy kitchen spot, with the mirror mounted yay!!

I made a really cool salad with spinach leaves, boiled egg, apples, salt/pepper and some olive oil mmmm so delish!!! I copied a salad I tasted at McGinnis Landing when I went there with Z

Remember this table I painted? It's in our room now with my orchid plant that my hubby bought me :) A few orchids fell off though :( But it's been alive for 2 weeks already! Longest time I've ever had a plant live WOOHOO!!
This weekend I'm thinking of roasting a full chicken, turkey/thanksgiving style! Will keep you posted!! Oh and next class in my cooking class series is this weekend YAY :)


Road (Parking) Rage!

It's been a while since I posted anything..but there has been LOTS to post so I'm going to try to catch everyone up!

Sooo last week I started going to the gym! I bought a deal find coupon for 10 zumba classes and 10 groove classes, plus 3 personal training sessions at the mademoiselle fitness club and spa. I was a bit skeptical about what the gym was going to be like and if the classes were going to be good...this is based on past experience with dealfinds, ie: when I gifted my friend a spa trip for a facial and massage and she described the facial as "mud goo" being put on her face LOL....or better yet, when I bought a different spa dealfind certificate for another friend and the spa went out of business before she used it HAHAH well that one worked out because we were all refunded the money, even those who actually went to the spa! Score!

Anyways, the first groove class was REALLY cool! It's basically just a big dance party :) We did all types of dance: african tribal (really felt like a tribe member during this one), hip hop, rock'n'roll (air guitars and all!) and...BHANGRA! Yes! She played 'knightrider'!!! The instructor is so awesome, she wears the coolest outfits when she teaches.

There is one part at groove class when you freeze and just do a crazy pose, like these people haha awesome!

Ok so back to that day when I went to the gym. I left home early so I would miss traffic and went to the mall first. After a quickie shopping trip, in which I bought an amazing new top for R's bridal shower!!!, I sat in my car to look up directions to the gym on my iPhone. Well. While sitting in my car, a car drove up to park in the spot beside me. No biggie. BIGGIE! The guy opened his door and SLAMMED it into my car! MY CAR!! Yes! Then he proceeded to just LOOK at me and then get out of his car. So obviously I got out of my car to walk around and see if there's a scratch of any sort. And get this. The guy starts yelling at me! at me?! I should be yelling at him!!! Basically he said something along the lines of "Yah go check your car..yah go check it see if there's a mark (in a taunting voice)...then some bad words later...yah get out of your car go see what I did" (in my head) what the? is this jerk actually yelling at ME when HE IS the one who hit my car? Anyhow, his bullying tactic pretty much worked because after I heard his angry words and taunts I only half-checked my car and then sat back inside and just drove off. Conclusion of story, people are rude. People in this city are rude? I don't know. But I will be parking FAR from now on...can't trust people.

My beloved car..good news though, the mean man did not leave a dent!!
Yah people in this city drive and park like it's Toronto! And there's no such thing as courtesy when driving geeeshhh!!!

This actually LOOKS like the mean person who slammed his door into my car! Grrrr!!

Congrats to my former coworkers on their successful Eid lunch! Wish I could've been there! Hope we raised a lot of money!!!