Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long time no SEE!


Wow it's been WAY too long since I blogged last! I *promise* this won't happen again! You guys need to keep me on track!

So lot's has happened since my last blog post back in...October OMG!
Our apartment is pretty much decorated and done now...I miss my frequent visits to Homesense however...but since school is starting soon, I have been making frequent trips to Winners instead :)

There was a snowstorm last night...London has had pretty good weather for the most of winter so can't really complain. I am so looking forward to spring/summer though....I've already ruined one pair of boots and bought another pair so let's see if they last through the rest of the winter!

We're trying to take up winter sports because it seems like the only way to beat Canadian to well...join in the fun! We're going to try skating! I used to skate when I was younger so I am currently thinking I will be awesome. Will let you know what happens tomorrow. My hubby has never skated so I am filling him with the assurance that I can skate.....I better watch some you tube videos LOL

Oooh and today we are going to play squash! I think, like everyone else does for their new years resolutions, this year I will be more active. Although last year I was super active getting fit for the wedding, I've kind of avoided the gym since...but this week I was pretty intense at the gym and also added swimming 3 times a week so I'm in the ZONE!

Totally need help with swimming though so if anyone knows of a good resource...or way to make myself not afraid of putting my head under water...let me know! The pool is at the pool house at my building so on most days I share it with senior citizens who are VERY nice but also remember to ask me each and every time whether I know how to

Another winter sport we need to try is SKIING! Anyone want to go? I feel like I would be better at snowboarding plus it seems so much cooler. Imagine telling people you're a snowboarder?! COOL!

Hmm what else? Yesterday we watched Ides of March...good movie! Kind of disturbing! And currently am brainstorming what I want to do in the future, for the bajillionth time because the list keeps growing hehe

Until next time!!

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